Um Imparcial View of cristina boner leo silva

That changed. Does it follow that I had a strong sense of my personal self at some point but then lost it?

I think we should stop bemoaning the fact that so much woke culture is shit, and start celebrating it.

Those grandparents… seriously, does any race change its name/s more than Phoenicians? Asians seem to just give their kids cutesy first names like, um… Brandon, but I suppose their family names tend to be simple and easy to pronounce, unlike those ugly Phoenician jawbreakers.

“Working with a cast of eleven Scottish-based female/female identifying actors, this movement-based version of The Tempest, being staged during the COP26 summit, capitalises on the extraordinary atmosphere of the Tron’s stripped-back main auditorium.

It seems like to me this would be mostly likely to happen when both parents are mixed race, not just one, and both have some distant (but not too distant) ancestry that does not match how they identify.

My point was that the theater has a long history of casting actors and actresses in races and genders to which they don’t belong. But “stupid?” OK, whatever. Stupid, blind, and dumb. You don’t see what’s right in front of your eyes.

I love and relate to Naomi Osaka as a fellow biracial Asian. I am Chinese and Dominican: both of those things. Yet I squint and squirm when I’m only referred to as one or the other: “Well, I’m not quite Chinese, am I?

But you raise an interesting question: if a woman was forced to choose would she rather be seen as beautiful or sexy? Reminds me of the old you can try here line: “The perfect woman would be a cook in the kitchen, a lady in the parlor, and a whore in the bedroom.

But the cow’s out of the barn, and now black actors are por rigueur in all productions, everywhere. Classical theater is ruined.

OT – Here is an extended news report about the fake swine flu pandemic of 1976, with what I consider shockingly unbiased and objective reporting relative to the last 20 years.

Same here. Actually I first thought someone died, but then I remembered how many people here like to bring up trannies whenever possible. So I figured it was referencing the slang term for sufficiently looking like someone of the opposite sex.

5% black. (Perhaps less so, as it would be reasonable to expect that “blacks” with higher percentages of white genes are more likely to marry whites for a variety of reasons).

He seemed to think that it was loony to even imagine such a thing was possible in modern-day America. He’s probably right.

A person absolutely gets -50% of his DNA from each parent. SFAIK that is non-negotiable. Once you get past the parent/child relationship the degree of genetic relationship is up to a lot of luck. Siblings share 50% of their DNA on average but it can be much more or much less than that. People get, on average, 12.5% of their DNA from each great-grandparent, but it can also be much, much less than that. I have pelo idea what a person with exactly 12.

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